Save the date, mark your calendars, postpone your trip home for the holidays, because on Saturday, December 9, from 7–10pm Nasty Women Portraits is getting, well, nasty at Lure Films.
Honoring one of the most influential women to ever organize a bunch of Californians, Dolores Huerta has been a model of community activism, feminism, and plain badassery for over 60 years.
Erin Douglass, founder of the nonprofit, says about Lure:
"Lure Films is really one of the reasons NWP even exists. When we came up with this crazy idea, Bria Little & Ky Schultz immediately jumped on board and gave us a space to make it all happen. If they hadn’t been so onboard this whole thing could have very easily just been a great idea that never came to life. We’re always excited to collaborate with them and figure out new ways to make our events more fun, exciting, and impactful."
You can RSVP on Facebook or buy tickets directly on Event Brite.